Monday, May 18, 2015

Sutton is as Cute as a Button [Might delete this post hehe]

TUH--DAAAAY I love this song I cannot explain how much ok bye

How is Life :3

How I Think I Look:

How I Look:

Hey guuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyysss How is life :D
Mine is good. Wait, why am I saying "guys"?
I have, what, like 35 views? Eh, whatever. I
mostly made this blog for me only me. I'm as
 lonely as a 27 year old princess Fiona. Well,
my friends see it too sometimes. Idek if any-
one will answer but I have a qotd for this post!
 The question of the day is (drumroll please...)
Team Onions or Parfaits?

Personally, I'm team parfaits. They're the best thing on the whole planet, according to donkey.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Words on Green Backgrounds

Never take it down, never take it down, raise it waaaaaaaayyy up hiiiiiiiii- iiiiiigh! LET YOUR FREAK FLAG FLYYYYYYY-YYY-YYYYYYY!

Tap Dancing with Rats and Other Randomness

This is why I love Shrek the Musical.

If you are reading this.... thanks for... going on my blog, I mean, like, entering my blog... 
you know what I'm tryin' to say. Hello my fellow fandom. I hope my blog is to your liking. 

Me at the Restaurant


My 5 fav STM Songs:
  • I know it's today
  • Donkey pot pie
  • Morning person
  • Don't let me go
  • Travel song
"Let's sing a song, yes a travel song, when ya gotta go somewhere. 
'Cause the fun is getting there."

Comment your 5 favorite Shrek the Musical songs! 
Or what you think of my new blog. Can't wait to see 
some comments. P.S. Please keep the comments positive! 
Byeeee :):):):):)